Extra Service Options Agreement
Proofs: $25.00
Library of congress control number: $25. 00
ISBN: $ 125.00 DFP plus service fee $45.00 - $170.00
Distribution: International Distribution: $425.00
*If you would like to have an eBook please add $195.00 for formatting and forwarding to Amazon (Kindle) and Barnes and Noble (Nook).
Marketing services are available at a minimal cost - (Postcards, Bookmarks, Press release, social media, and Brochures.
eBook: If you would like to have an eBook, please add $195.00.
Editing: $375.00 for up to 250 pages. If over 250 pages, an additional cost will apply.
Need Manuscript Typed $150.00 ( for 250 pages or less). More than 250 pages additional cost will apply.
One Time Only Printer setup Fee: $75.00
*Print up to 250-page Black and White Paperback book: $6.50 a book, plus shipping (1-100
Publishing and Distribution:
Thank you for contacting Dream Faith Publishing (DFP). As you know this is a small family
owned Publishing company. DFP will help you get your books out into the market and on
Amazon.com etc. The best part of our program is that you, the author, retain complete
ownership of your book, while also maintaining 100% control over the production, distribution, and promotion process.
I would love to speak with you regarding the subject matter of your book and to ask you a few questions regarding the storyline, potential marketing appeal, word-count, genre, etc.
Please let me know a date and time that you would be available to speak with me by phone. I
look forward to hearing from you.
Publishing Services:
ISBN and Barcodes: These are necessary before you can list your title for sale in stores as well as online bookstores. You will need to have an ISBN and barcode assigned to your title.
Furthermore, you will need an ISBN for each edition of your digital version. You will also need a separated barcode for each printed edition of the title. Dream Faith Publishing will quickly obtain all of these items for you.
Marketing Services:
Releasing your title we here at Dream Faith Publishing will produce and distribute a press
release on your behalf. Your press release will announce the launch of your book through social media sites as well as Amazon etc.
Promoting through video as an online video dissemination becomes more practical and
widespread. Many authors find it advantageous to have a video book trailer produced and
posted to various streaming video sites like YouTube, Vimeo, etc. Dream Faith Publishing is
capable of generating a professional high-definition video book trailer that is ready for online
Cover Design:
DFP will create a book cover that grapes attention on bookshelves and in online retail stores. A basic cover design for print formats are included with your complete self publishing packages. eBooks are additional.
Here at Dream Faith Publishing we use (POD). It’s the most affordable way to get your book
quicker and directly to readers.
When readers order your book, you will be able to have it printed and shipped straight to them.
It gives you worldwide book sales without worrying about large print runs, shipping, storage, or inventory.
Professional Editing:
Dream Faith Publishing (DFP) team will comb through your manuscript line by line looking for spelling, incorrect syntax and grammar issues. After corrections or suggestions are marked in your manuscript, you will have a chance to look at it and have the final say on what is printed in your finished book.
Interior Layout:
Is an often overlooked component in developing a book page design, or layout, is just as crucial as having a great manuscript. Having your book's interior professionally designed prevents readers from becoming distracted by misplaced elements, or non- standard practices.
Professional Illustration Services:
Here at (DFP) our Artist specializes in almost every style. Our illustrators will prepare custom illustrations according to your exact specifications.
You can rest assure, Dream Faith Publishing artists are more than capable of creating
compelling illustrations for your title with up to 3 revisions.
Customized Book Cover design:
You can certainly Judge a book by its cover! Having a relevant, professional, and custom-
designed book cover gets your title noticed online and on a bookshelf. Utilizing your input, our artists will create an engaging cover for your title.